Beyond Portsmouth - Victorious Festival
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Beyond Portsmouth

Working with Arms Around The Child
We’re incredibly proud to have been working with Arms Around the Child since we moved to the Seafront in 2014. While this amazing charity’s home is in Portsmouth, the focus of their work is on helping children worldwide. They are a direct care organisation and advocate for the rights of children who live in areas of extreme adversity with current projects operating in India and Africa.

Working with them to create one of the most vibrant areas of the festival site – The World Music Village – our collaborative work not only provides funds for their worldwide projects but the area at the festival raises awareness of the charity, creates a place for them to do further fundraising and raises the profile of world music and culture.

As well as working directly with us, they also work with various music colleges to provide learning opportunities to music and music industry students to create this multicultural metropolis for everyone to enjoy.
